The Roman Temple

In the very centre of Nin, on the location of the once Roman forum, the remains of a monumental Roman Temple can be found, the biggest on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. They date from the second half of the 1st century AD., from the reign of the Roman Emperor Vespazian 69-79 AD. His name is found on the inscription carved on the frieze from the facade of the Temple. The ground plan of the Temple shows two parts of the same size, the shrine (cella) on the western side and a porch in front of it on the eastern side. The outside circumference of the building was 33m in length and 23.5m in width. The shrine inside, was divided into three areas, separated one from the other by two columns on each side. Most probably sculptures of deities were placed in it. Entrance to the central area was through a portal from which fragments of the lintel and door post have been preserved. In front of the shrine there is a spacious porch which on its facade from the eastern side, had six fluted columns.

A monumental staircase on the facade led to the podium of the Temple whose foundations can still be seen today. On the Temple there was a Corinthian column which had an original height of 17 metres.

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23232 Nin

  +385 23 264 280